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Rapid Weight Loss Results.

Uncover the Shocking Brain Hack for Eradicating Fat& Getting Healthier, All In Just 7 Days.

Get Instant Access for Just ( $497 | $247 | $177 ) $147 if you act NOW!


Your package includes:

  • Guaranteed 10x weight loss results within 1 week!
  • The entire Weight Loss Bootcamp package
  • 7 x 30-minute daily hypnosis sessions in MP3 format
  • Your Quick Start Video
  • Your immediate $100 discount
  • 100% money-back guarantee
  • Lifetime support

    Plus, your bonuses:

  • Entire Brain Hacker Audio Library (worth $350+) – MP3
  • 4-Week Mindfulness Meditation audio course – MP3
  • Updated ‘As a Man Thinketh’ MP3 audio course – MP3
  • Books, discount coupons, and more!

Recent Comments from Members

Recent Comments from Members

Layton Ward

I received an early version of the LOA Bootcamp. Effects were obvious from Day 1. I now see more opportunity in everything, my life is filling with more abundance. Extremely grateful for having the chance to try this out.


Ray James Travis

The best 'bootcamp' I've ever attended!! Seven days of cool hypnosis to reprogram your mental wiring. My brain has never felt so alive.


Alden Joel

Listening a second time already!! I was always "that quiet dude." Wanted to shine, never felt authentic. Listened to Confidence Bootcamp, experienced "The Change." It deleted fears, anxieties, social phobias. I'm now still "me", but always on my best day!! Recommended this on Twitter. It made a big difference.


Esther Maryanne

I'd like to recommend your Weight Loss Bootcamp program to your fans, please. It's helped me lose 10lbs this past month. Exercise isn't "a pain" any more. So happy I tried this out, thank you.


Keith J. Jacob

You're inspiring people to live their dreams. I used the Wealth Bootcamp for 3 days & the results are already here. My mindset is wealthier, I'm taking ACTION and I recommend it to anyone :)


Amie Wilson

I am posting this to give my support for the Law of Attraction Bootcamp. This was my first experience with hypnosis and I'm pleased I tried it out. I've had one big result so far and feel more abundant than ever!


Olivia Kendrick

Just want to send @Inspire3 some kudos for Hypnosis Bootcamp. You guys really produced an amazing audio series right out the bag. Everyone, it's the same hypnotherapist from Hypnosis Live too. A++++++


What Others Have to Say…

Photo of Bob Doyle

One of the most powerful tools you can use to change your life. And all you have to do is listen over the course of a week. I love it!

Photo of Bob Doyle

Hypnosis is the secret tool used by thousands to program their mind for success. I love it, and Hypnosis Bootcamp is the best of them all.

Photo of Lily Jensen

This is like hacking straight into The Matrix. I used the Hypnosis Bootcamp to install wealth, confidence, brain power & weight loss programs. Super effective!

Photo of Natalie Ledwell

The Hypnosis Bootcamp is special, because you listen over the course of a week. The results build, day by day. I've tried it myself, and it's an amazing experience.

Photo of Dr. Joe Rubino

Becoming a new person has never been easier. I love the way that Hypnosis Bootcamp subtly provides you with a fresh mental framework. Yes, I'm a fan!

Photo of Carlyn Hansen

The scientific evidence behind hypnosis should make anyone want to try it out. And the most effective place to start is with the Hypnosis Bootcamp.

Photo of Dr. Joe Vitale

I always recommend Hypnosis Bootcamp to my fitness clients. It improves their results 100x over, all just by listening to a 30-minute MP3. Couldn't get any easier.